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Good Faith Estimates

As of January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the costs of your care. The Good Faith Estimate shows the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your healthcare needs and treatment. This document be provided to you by NeuroJess upon scheduling your initial session or as requested. This Good Faith Estimate does not include unexpected costs that could arise during treatment.

At this time, as an outpatient mental health provider, a Good Faith Estimate needs to be provided only to private pay clients who are uninsured or are choosing to not use their insurance in any capacity.

It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

We hear you, and 
we're here for you.

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You Deserve To Live Your Most Authentic 
Neurodivergent Life.

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Schedule An Appointment, Today

Good Faith Estimates

As of January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the costs of your care. The Good Faith Estimate shows the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your healthcare needs and treatment. This document be provided to you by NeuroJess upon scheduling your initial session or as requested. This Good Faith Estimate does not include unexpected costs that could arise during treatment.

At this time, as an outpatient mental health provider, a Good Faith Estimate needs to be provided only to private pay clients who are uninsured or are choosing to not use their insurance in any capacity.

It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

Schedule An Appointment, Below

We hear you, and we're here for you.


You Deserve To Live Your Most 
Authentic Neurodivergent Life.

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