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Helping Neurodivergent Women Thrive

Neuroaffirming services for Adult Women in Wisconsin who are ready to be supported on their journey to personal growth and happiness.

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Helping Neurodivergent Women Thrive

Neuroaffirming services for Autistic & ADHD Women who are ready to be supported in their journey to personal growth and happiness.

Do you relate to any of the thoughts below?

  • Do you live your life trying to fit your thoughts, behavior, and emotions into a pre-designed box, but always end up feeling like a circular peg in a square hole? 
  • Do you feel like there was something "wrong" with you, since you aren't like everyone else? 
  • Do you not have many friends (or any at all), and have difficulty with the social experience which leaves you feeling ostracized and demeaned, despite your best efforts to "fit in?" 
  • ​Do you get frustrated that you can't be your authentic self, because people can't just accept your uniqueness for what it is? 

Do you relate to any of the thoughts below?

  • Do you live your life trying to fit your thoughts, behavior, and emotions into a pre-designed box, but always end up feeling like a circular peg in a square hole? 
  • Do you feel like there was something "wrong" with you, since you aren't like everyone else? 
  • Do you not have many friends (or any at all), and have difficulty with the social experience which leaves you feeling ostracized and demeaned, despite your best efforts to "fit in?" 
  • ​Do you get frustrated that you can't be your authentic self, because people can't just accept your uniqueness for what it is? 

“A Safe & Soothing Space to Help 
You Embrace Your Neurodivergence"

If this resonates with you and you're ready
embrace your uniqueness, we're here for you!

If this resonates with you and you're ready
embrace your uniqueness, we're here for you!

NeuroJess Founder Jess Pliszka says:


If you are questioning if you are neurodivergent or if you have formally received a diagnosis, I completely understand how you feel.

After living in limbo for over 20 years feeling like an outsider, then diagnosis bouncing from anxiety to sensory processing disorder, I finally found the diagnoses that miraculously fit me perfectly. 

The diagnoses that completely explained why I feel, think, and behave the way I do. The "boxes" I finally fit in:

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

When I first heard these words I was shocked. As a mental health professional, how did I never see this sooner? Based on what I was taught in school and how society and the media portray autistic and ADHD people, I initially was in a state of denial.

But as I read the lists of experiences that sounded like they were describing me specifically, I had a sudden wave of relief wash over me.

There was actually an explanation for why I am the way I am!

Every facet about myself that people made me feel bad for in the past was explained. It really wasn't my fault; I didn't do anything "wrong." I simply just didn't fit into their "box," so they tried controlling me by changing me.

As I read this, my entire perception of myself and my life experience completely changed in the best way possible. I finally felt free. I finally understood myself.

My denial instantly faded; at this moment I realized that I wasn't just "weird," "quirky," or "didn't fit in," my brain is simply just built differently. I am not neurotypical.

In fact, autism and ADHD are not even mental disorders, they are neurotypes: this means that our brain structure and neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) are simply different than neurotypical people.

I share my story because this information needs to be shared more readily and this conversation needs to be had without the stigma behind the disorder and fear of being diagnosed.


NeuroJess Founder 
Jess Pliszka says:


If you are questioning if you are neurodivergent or if you have formally received a diagnosis, I completely understand how you feel.

After living in limbo for over 20 years feeling like an outsider, then diagnosis bouncing from anxiety to sensory processing disorder, I finally found the diagnoses that miraculously fit me perfectly. 

The diagnoses that completely explained why I feel, think, and behave the way I do. The "boxes" I finally fit in:

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

When I first heard these words I was shocked. As a mental health professional, how did I never see this sooner? Based on what I was taught in school and how society and the media portray autistic and ADHD people, I initially was in a state of denial.

But as I read the lists of experiences that sounded like they were describing me specifically, I had a sudden wave of relief wash over me.

There was actually an explanation for why I am the way I am!

Every facet about myself that people made me feel bad for in the past was explained. It really wasn't my fault; I didn't do anything "wrong." I simply just didn't fit into their "box", so they tried controlling me by changing me.

As I read this, my entire perception of myself and my life experience completely changed in the best way possible. I finally felt free. I finally understood myself.

My denial instantly faded; at this moment I realized that I wasn't just "weird," "quirky," or "didn't fit in," my brain is simply just built differently. I am not neurotypical.

In fact, autism and ADHD are not even mental disorders, they are neurotypes: this means that our brain structure and neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) are simply different than neurotypical people.

I share my story because this information needs to be shared more readily and this conversation needs to be had without the stigma behind the disorder and fear of being diagnosed.


“A Safe & Soothing Space to Help 
You Embrace Your Neurodivergence"

Diagnoses are meant to help, not harm.

So, if a diagnosis can help reduce self-deprecation and negative internal thoughts

by allowing an individual to understand themselves, then there should be no stigma or shame around receiving one.

Jess says, "I am lucky enough to have my best friend, role model, and mom be neurodivergent (Autistic & ADHD), as well, so I know I am never alone on my journey, but not everyone is so fortunate. 

The more we educate ourselves and others, the more we can help to reduce prejudice and stigma, and help those who truly need it, such as women like me and my mom."

Women are one of the most underdiagnosed groups when it comes to autism. 

Since the diagnostic criteria and research were designed around boys, the criteria do not describe a female autistic experience.

This leads to skeptical clinicians and diagnosticians, as most are not properly educated on what Autism and ADHD look like for women, which leads to improper diagnoses and further invalidation of the female autistic and ADHD experience.

This means that a multitude of women are still living their lives feeling like a "freak" or "outsider" because they have not been properly diagnosed and have not had exposure to the truth about what autism and ADHD are like for women.

In women, typical autistic traits and experiences include:

  • Social difficulties (and feeling like an outsider).
  • Sensory sensitivity.
  • Masking (hiding differences to appear "normal").
  • Difficulties with eye contact.
  • Emotional regulation/identification/expression challenges.
  • Literal thinking and interpretation.
  • Stimming (repetitive behaviors for self-stimulation).
  • Anxiety and depression

Being autistic does not mean someone has

An intellectual disability, violent behaviors, lack of empathy, antisocial behavior, or non-verbal communication.

While these traits and experiences can occur, they are mostly stereotypes about autism that are perpetuated by our society and media, leading people to fear autism instead of understanding it.

In fact, most autistic women are intelligent, empathetic people who have a desire to communicate with others, but simply have difficulty doing so. 

Autism and ADHD are not linear spectrums; therefore, no two people have exactly the same traits. Two Autistic and/or ADHD people may have completely different experiences but still have the same diagnosis. For example, the presence or lack of certain traits does not make a person "more" or "less" autistic.

Many autistic women who have minimal support needs are often told they "look normal" because they mask so well. But in reality, there is no one "look" for autism (or ADHD); therefore, telling someone they "look normal" can be offensive and come off as demeaning. 

There are so many positive aspects of being autistic and ADHD and amazing qualities that autistic and ADHD people have to offer, 

but we just need the space to be able to be ourselves so we can contribute without being restricted and put in the neurotypical box. 

"Autism" is not a bad word or taboo topic you should avoid, so let's talk about it.

We want to welcome an open and honest conversation about autism and ADHD, specifically in females, so we have designated our practice as a safe space for women to ask any questions you may have whether it be about autism or ADHD in general or our experiences as neurodivergent people, personally. We are more than happy to help increase understanding and acceptance, one person at a time.

Jess says, "I wouldn't change a single aspect of my life for anything, including my neurodivergence as an autistic and ADHD person. I am proud of who I am and what I am able to represent, and I hope to raise awareness about what the female autistic and ADHD experience can look like, offering a different perspective and potential hope for the women and those assigned female at birth who feel the same way I did my whole life."

Knowledge is power, and power can help so many. So, thank you for helping be a part of this change by paying it forward and helping teach others to reduce misconceptions about autism and ADHD.

Assessment Services

For Women Aged 18+

Who are questioning Autism & ADHD and are seeking validation without psychological testing.

Dual Autism & ADHD Assessment



  • 4 assessment sessions 


  • Complete neuroaffirming clinical interview 
  • ​Evidence-based Autism & ADHD screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnoses



  • 3 assessment sessions 


  • Complete neuroaffirming clinical interview 
  • ​Evidence-based Autism screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnoses



  • 2 assessment sessions 


  • Complete neuroaffirming clinical interview 
  • ​Evidence-based ADHD screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnoses

If you're questioning Autism & ADHD, attending a neurodivergence assessment will provide you the validation and peace of mind that you deserve.

We offer neurodivergence assessments that comprehensively evaluate both Autism and ADHD, as we recognize the significant co-occurrence of these neurotypes among women. Our assessment options offer enhanced convenience, accuracy, and validation for our valued clients.

Our goal is to collaborate with you, leading with your lived experience, working together as co-searchers for the truth. Our clinicians utilize their clinical experience, from a neurodiversity informed lens, identifying signs and traits of females who are Autistic and/or ADHD, and will help guide you through various evidence-based screening measures, and tools developed by our specialists, that will help you understand neurodivergence and possible diagnoses.

Our lead neurodivergence specialist Jess Pliszka says, "As a woman who is Autistic and ADHD, I not only have specialized clinical experience about female Autism & ADHD, but I also have lived experience. This combination allows me to understand you on a deeper level and provide you with the most accurate clinical interpretation possible."

We prioritize your experience over measures and tests, taking a client-centered and neurodiversity-affirming approach.

The medical field has been harmful and ableist towards neurodivergent people, especially autistic individuals. Unlike most psychologists, we don't believe in solely relying on biased and outdated tests and measures to try to fit you into a box.

We believe in the importance of questioning current methods of engaging with the autistic experience, such as the utilization of oppressive assessment tools and ignoring of neurodivergent experiences. We aim to change the current system and implement more client-focused, neuroaffirming practices by prioritizing the voices of our neurodivergent clients for more equitable and inclusive practices.

Your experience matters most, and we will work collaboratively, using your lived experience to determine which diagnostic criteria best aligns with your background.

After the assessments, we will be able to tell you whether or not you meet DSM-5-TR criteria for ASD and/or ADHD.

Unlike traditional neuropsychological testing, which is biased, outdated, and overpriced (between $5,500 to $8,000) with no guarantee of an accurate diagnosis, our assessments provide a more effective and reliable solution. We implement the latest and most accurate neuro-affirming approaches for Autistic & ADHD women. We are committed to ensuring that our clients receive the exceptional and inclusive experience they rightfully deserve.

Assessments are only available to individuals physically located within the state of Wisconsin at the time of sessions.

All assessments are provided via telehealth through a secure, HIPAA Compliant video conference platform.

We do not offer out-of-network billing, claims, or superbills for assessment services.


  • We do not conduct neuropsychological testing or psychometric evaluations. 
  • Some psychiatrists may not recognize your assigned diagnoses for medication prescription due to strict adherence to outdated policies and antiquated beliefs surrounding Autism & ADHD diagnoses.

Diagnoses are meant to help, not harm.

So, if a diagnosis can help reduce self-deprecation and negative internal thoughts

by allowing an individual to understand themselves, then there should be no stigma or shame around receiving one.

Jess says, "I am lucky enough to have my best friend, role model, and mom be neurodivergent (Autistic and ADHD), as well, so I know I am never alone on my journey, but not everyone is so fortunate. 

The more we educate ourselves and others, the more we can help to reduce prejudice and stigma, and help those who truly need it, such as women like me and my mom."

Women are one of the most underdiagnosed groups when it comes to autism. 

Since the diagnostic criteria and research were designed around boys, the criteria do not describe a female autistic experience.

This leads to skeptical clinicians and diagnosticians, as most are not properly educated on what Autism and ADHD look like for women, which leads to improper diagnoses and further invalidation of the female autistic and ADHD experience.

This means that a multitude of women are still living their lives feeling like a "freak" or "outsider" because they have not been properly diagnosed and have not had exposure to the truth about what autism and ADHD are like for women.

In women, typical autistic traits and experiences include:

  • Social difficulties (and feeling like an outsider).
  • Sensory sensitivity.
  • Masking (hiding differences to appear "normal").
  • Difficulties with eye contact.
  • Emotional regulation/identification/expression challenges.
  • Literal thinking and interpretation.
  • Stimming (repetitive behaviors for self-stimulation).
  • Anxiety and depression

Being autistic does not mean someone has

An intellectual disability, violent behaviors, lack of empathy, antisocial behavior, or non-verbal communication.

While these traits and experiences can occur, they are mostly stereotypes about autism that are perpetuated by our society and media, leading people to fear autism instead of understanding it.

In fact, most autistic women are intelligent, empathetic people who have a desire to communicate with others, but simply have difficulty doing so. 

Autism and ADHD are not linear spectrums; therefore, no two people have exactly the same traits. Two Autistic and/or ADHD people may have completely different experiences but still have the same diagnosis. For example, the presence or lack of certain traits does not make a person "more" or "less" autistic.

Many autistic women who have minimal support needs are often told they "look normal" because they mask so well. But in reality, there is no one "look" for autism (or ADHD); therefore, telling someone they "look normal" can be offensive and come off as demeaning. 

There are so many positive aspects of being autistic and ADHD and amazing qualities that autistic and ADHD people have to offer, 

but we just need the space to be able to be ourselves so we can contribute without being restricted and put in the neurotypical box. 

"Autism" is not a bad word or taboo topic you should avoid, so let's talk about it.

We want to welcome an open and honest conversation about autism and ADHD, specifically in females, so we have designated our practice as a safe space for women to ask any questions you may have whether it be about autism or ADHD in general or our experiences as neurodivergent people, personally. We are more than happy to help increase understanding and acceptance, one person at a time.

Jess says, "I wouldn't change a single aspect of my life for anything, including my neurodivergence as an autistic and ADHD person. I am proud of who I am and what I am able to represent, and I hope to raise awareness about what the female autistic and ADHD experience can look like, offering a different perspective and potential hope for the women and those assigned female at birth who feel the same way I did my whole life."

Knowledge is power, and power can help so many. So, thank you for helping be a part of this change by paying it forward and helping teach others to reduce misconceptions about autism and ADHD.

Assessment Services

For Women Aged 18+ 

Who are questioning Autism & ADHD and are 
seeking validation without psychological testing.

Dual Autism & ADHD Assessment



  • 4 assessment sessions 


  • Comprehensive neuroaffirming clinical interview
  • ​Evidence-based Autism & ADHD screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • ​Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnoses

Autism Assessment


  • 3 assessment sessions 


  • Comprehensive neuroaffirming clinical interview
  • ​Evidence-based Autism screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • ​Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnosis

ADHD Assessment


  • 2 assessment sessions 


  • Comprehensive neuroaffirming clinical interview
  • Evidence-based ADHD screening measures, questionnaires, and tools developed by our specialists
  • ​Feedback and discussion of results
  • ​A review of DSM-V-TR criteria for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) based on your experience

Post-Assessment Report

  • Written report of findings with assigned diagnosis.

If you're questioning Autism & ADHD, attending a neurodivergence assessment will provide you the validation and peace of mind that you deserve.

We offer assessments that comprehensively evaluate both Autism and ADHD, as we recognize the significant co-occurrence of these neurotypes among women. Our assessment options offer enhanced convenience, accuracy, and validation for our valued clients.

Our goal is to collaborate with you, leading with your lived experience, working together as co-searchers for the truth. Our clinicians utilize their clinical experience, from a neurodiversity informed lens, identifying signs and traits of females who are Autistic and/or ADHD, and will help guide you through various evidence-based screening measures, and tools developed by our specialists, that will help you understand neurodivergence and possible diagnoses.

Our lead neurodivergence specialist Jess Pliszka says, "As a woman who is Autistic and ADHD, I not only have specialized clinical experience about female Autism & ADHD, but I also have lived experience. This combination allows me to understand you on a deeper level and provide you with the most accurate clinical interpretation possible."

We prioritize your experience over measures and tests, taking a client-centered and neurodiversity-affirming approach.

The medical field has been harmful and ableist towards neurodivergent people, especially autistic individuals. Unlike most psychologists, we don't believe in solely relying on biased and outdated tests and measures to try to fit you into a box. 

We believe in the importance of questioning current methods of engaging with the autistic experience, such as the utilization of oppressive assessment tools and ignoring of neurodivergent experiences. We aim to change the current system and implement more client-focused, neuroaffirming practices by prioritizing the voices of our neurodivergent clients for more equitable and inclusive practices.

Your experience matters most, and we will work collaboratively, using your lived experience to determine which diagnostic criteria best aligns with your background.

After the assessments, we will be able to tell you whether or not you meet DSM-5-TR criteria for ASD and/or ADHD. 

Unlike traditional neuropsychological testing, which is biased, outdated, and overpriced (between $5,500 to $8,000) with no guarantee of an accurate diagnosis, our assessments provide a more effective and reliable solution. We implement the latest and most accurate neuro-affirming approaches for Autistic & ADHD women. We are committed to ensuring that our clients receive the exceptional and inclusive experience they rightfully deserve.

This service is only available to individuals physically located within the state of Wisconsin at the time of sessions.

All assessments are provided via telehealth through a secure, HIPAA Compliant video conference platform.

We do not offer out-of-network billing, claims, or superbills for assessment services.


  • We do not conduct neuropsychological testing or psychometric evaluations. 
  • Some psychiatrists may not recognize your assigned diagnoses for medication prescription due to strict adherence to outdated policies and antiquated beliefs surrounding Autism & ADHD diagnoses.

It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

Schedule An Appointment, Below

We hear you, and we're here for you.


You Deserve To Live Your Most 
Authentic Neurodivergent Life.

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It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

We hear you, and 
we're here for you.

Schedule An Appointment, Below


You Deserve To Live Your Most Authentic 
Neurodivergent Life.

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